
Category: Blog

9/11 Tribute Lights NYC

Website Rename

Paul McCarthy near the Tribbough Bridge.

Hi all. I just yesterday changed the domain name associated with this website. I registered the domain cafe52.com over twenty years ago in 1999. It was kind of done on a whim and the web site was run on a Linux box at the end of a DSL line terminating in my apartment. Good times. The Internet has changed a lot since then.

I decided to change the domain name to ubassman.nyc to better align with my recent side hustle of photography and timelapse clip creation. This name better fits with my social media names. And, doesn’t sound like the name of a restaurant. FYI – cafe52.com was recently nominated for the “Restaurant and Bar Awards 2023” by lux-review.com. The site has never promoted or been affiliated with any kind bar or restaurant but I can see how the name could be confusing. Full disclosure, there is a latino establishment near my home on 52nd Street called the 52nd St Cafe.

I’m hoping to put in a bit more time to the site. Thanks for stopping by.

White Roses

White roses.

I’ve been surprising my wife with flowers since we were first married. Through the years I have learned that white roses seem to last the longest. If you buy red roses at the same time they will wilt long before the white ones.

I again surprised my wife with a dozen white roses. She created a beautiful arrangement and placed it on our bar by the window in our living room. I just couldn’t resist shooting a timelapse. This was my first attempt at shooting a timelapse of flowers. I configured a 20 second interval and shot over a period of four hours. This produced around three hundred and fifty photos. Only natral light coming through the window was used. You can see that the light / color balance changes as the clip progresses. For the next surprise I might try setting up some lighting.

Moonset Eclipse

Billionaires Row NYC.

On November 8th 2022 I woke up early to catch the tail end of the lunar eclipse. The moon was setting over a cloudy Manhattan that morning.

The vantage point from my apartment terrace prevented me from catching the start of the eclipse. By the time it came into my view the eclipse was already in progress. Unfortunately low lying clouds over New York City caused the moon to disappear before it fully set. But, I captured what I could and you can really see why they call these events the “blood moon”.

You can read more about the event in NYC here: Gothamist WNYC

Cloudy Day Central Park 

The Lake at Central Park

It was a cloudy but warm day in Central Park when I shot this clip at the Lake. Lots of people enjoying the start of spring. Can you see the turtle in the clip? He was the perfect model and hung out the entire time.

Spinning Yards

The Vessel at Hudson Yards

Seems that I missed my chance to get into The Vessel at Hudson Yards. This was my first visit and I was looking forward to getting into the Vessel. I know that they have had some tragic incidents occur. And people lost their lives. Anybody know when it might be opening back up?