ubassman plays bass

I wasn’t able to perform for most of 2022 due to my health issues. But, I have started to play out again over recent months. I’ve posted photos from two recent gigs. One with the Accidental Gypsies. And one with The Flynns. It was pouring rain on both days. The gig with the Gypsies was outside and was especially damp. The Flynns gig was inside but I got soaked on the way to the job.
Looking forward to many more gigs as the warm weather moves in. And, hopefully they will all be much drier.

The Bass Is Back

As mentioned in previous posts, health issues kept me home bound for much of 2022. My health is much better now and this past Friday I played my first gig since April of 2022. I played with The Flynns at Donovan’s Pub. This was their regular Donovan’s First Friday engagement. The Flynns have been playing first friday’s for about the last ten years.
For my first gig in nine months I played my new Kala ubass. This was a “blem” that I picked up direct from Kala at a good discount. The bass looked perfect. It took me a while to find the blemish. I swapped out the regular poly strings for some flatwounds (Gallistrings), replaced the nut with one designed for flat wounds and finally cut done the bridge saddle to get the action right where I wanted it. It plays like a dream now and sounds great. Looking forward to playing lots more gigs with this beauty.
Friends and family came down to welcome me back and cheer me on.

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